A Culture of Philanthropy

You can make your charitable contribution to St. Andrew’s by choosing any of the following payment options below.

Methods of Giving

List of 8 items.

  • Check or Credit Card

    You can make a credit card gift online using American Express, Discover, Visa, or MasterCard. If making a gift by check, please make it payable to St. Andrew’s Episcopal School and designate the fund name in the memo field. Gifts can be mailed to:

    Office of Advancement
    St. Andrew’s Episcopal School
    8804 Postoak Road, Potomac, Md 20854
  • Company Matching Gifts

    Through employer matching gift programs, you may have the opportunity to double or even triple the value of your gift. Click here to see if you are eligible to double the impact of your donation to St. Andrew's.
  • Appreciated Securities

    Gifts made by stock transfer are welcomed and can be processed using the information listed below. Click here to learn about the benefits of giving appreciated securities.
    Electronic Transfers
    Wells Fargo Advisors
    Account Name: St. Andrew’s Episcopal School INC.
    Account Number: 6215-8789
    DTC Number: 0141

    Contact Information
    Call or email Mark McKnight, St. Andrew’s CFO to let him know you are making a gift of stock so we can credit your gift. Please include your name, name of the stock, and number of shares. Wells Fargo does not provide us with this information.

    Mark McKnight
    Chief Financial Officer
    St. Andrew’s Episcopal School
    240.477.1680 (direct)

    Wells Fargo Advisors
    Toll Free: 800-368-5620
  • Cryptocurrency

    Cryptocurrency, also known as Virtual Currency or “Crypto,” is a digital asset designed to function as an alternative to sovereign fiat currency (US Dollars, for example) whereby transactions between two parties are verified through a public, distributed ledger, also known as a blockchain. Most people think of Bitcoin and/or Ether when they hear the word “Crypto,” and while Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency and most widely followed, there are a number of cryptocurrencies currently available.
    For U.S. tax purposes, transactions using virtual currency must be reported in U.S. dollars. Therefore, taxpayers will be required to determine the fair market value of virtual currency in U.S. dollars as of the date of donation. If a virtual currency is listed on an exchange and the exchange rate is established by market supply and demand, the fair market value of the virtual currency is determined by converting the virtual currency into U.S. dollars (or into another real currency which in turn can be converted into U.S. dollars) at the exchange rate, in a reasonable manner that is consistently applied.

    Donors who give cryptocurrency donations to St. Andrew's will receive an electronic donation receipt in US dollars with comprehensive details about each transaction.

    To make your gift via cryptocurrency, simply select to pay with cryptocurrency on our online giving form, then select the type of cryptocurrency you would like to use.
  • Donor Advised Funds

    Donor advised funds (DAFs) provide many tax benefits to the donor, including:

    1. Income Tax: You receive an immediate income tax deduction in the year you contribute to your DAF.
    2. Capital Gains Tax: You will incur no capital gains tax on gifts of appreciated assets (i.e. securities, real estate, other illiquid assets.)
    3. Estate Tax: Your DAF will not be subject to estate taxes.
    4. Tax-Free Growth: Your investments in a DAF can appreciate tax-free.
    5. Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT): If you are subject to alternative minimum tax (AMT), your contribution will reduce your AMT impact.

    If you have a DAF with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon, click here to make your grant request to support St. Andrew's Lions Fund.

    Intention Fulfillment via a Donor-Advised Fund
    A written expression of your intent will ensure that St. Andrew’s will always use the funds in accordance with your stated wishes. We recognize that Donor Advised Funds, particularly those administered by Fidelity, Vanguard, and National Philanthropic Trust, have prohibited their clients from using their grants to fulfill binding pledges to charitable organizations. In December 2017, in Section 4 of Notice 2017-73, the IRS addressed this issue. This notice effectively allows Donor Advised Funds to make grants that satisfy pledges as long as: 1) the DAF sponsor does not reference the pledge in the grant letter or check, and 2) The donor/advisor does not attempt to claim a charitable contribution deduction for the grant. Donor Advised Funds now routinely provide non-binding “intent to recommend” language to donors for grant distributions which non-profits will recognize as pledge payments.
    If you have any questions about Donor Advised Funds, please contact David Pivorotto, Associate Director of Advancement.
  • Wire Transfers

    *New Wire Transfer Instructions*

    Please note that these instructions are for donations and pledge payments only.

    Domestic Wiring Instructions

    Recipient Name: St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Inc.
    Recipient Address: 8804 Postoak Road, Potomac, MD 20854
    Recipient Checking Account:
    • Account #: 4397857182
    • ABA/Routing #: 031101266
    Bank Name: TD Bank, N.A.
    Band Address: 607 14th Street NW, Ste. 650, Washington, DC 20005
    International Wiring Instructions
    US Currency:
    Receiving Bank: TD BANK, N.A., Wilmington, Delaware
    ABA#: 031101266
    Credit to: St. Andrew’s Episcopal School
    8804 Postoak Rd., Potomac, MD 20854
    Account #: 4397857140
    Foreign Currency:
    Destination and Routing Information: Intermediary Bank
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    For Further Credit to Beneficiary/Recipient Bank:
    TD BANK, N.A.
    607 14th Street NW, Ste. 650
    Washington, DC 20005 USA
    In Favor of Account #: 4397857182
    St. Andrew’s Episcopal School
    8804 Postoak Rd., Potomac, MD 20854 USA
  • IRA's

    If you own an IRA, Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) rules take effect at age 70 and a half. Any distribution is taxed as ordinary income, but Congress has approved legislation that makes permanent an option allowing you to make a tax-free gift each year from your IRA.

    How tax-free gifts from IRAs work:

    • Instead of taking all or part of your required distribution, you can make a qualified distribution (up to $100,000 per person) from your IRA directly to the School; this distribution counts toward your RMD.
    • While there is no tax deduction, the amount you send directly to us from your IRA is excluded from your income for federal tax purposes, which effectively means you pay no income tax on this amount.
    • The entire amount you transfer supports St. Andrew's because the school is not required to pay income tax on the IRA distribution.
    • Tax-free gifts from IRAs are simple to make, but to satisfy your current year's RMD, the distribution must be completed by December 31 of the current year.
  • Legacy Giving

    Plan for your future while helping secure St. Andrew’s future. The generosity of legacy giving donors strengthens opportunities for our students, faculty and programs each and every day. Advancement staff are here to help you determine the best vehicles to meet your financial needs and make a lasting impact at St. Andrew's. 

    Click here to learn more about planned giving at St. Andrew's.
To learn more or make a gift, please contact the Advancement Office at 240-477-1704. 
Did you know? You can give more for less by donating appreciated assets! Click here to learn more.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School is a private, coeducational college preparatory day school for students in preschool (Age 2) through grade 12, located in Potomac, Maryland.